Day :
- Obesity & Associated Health Disorders | Weight Management | Obesity and Diabetes | Bariatric Surgery
Session Introduction
Naznin Dixit
University of Mississippi Medical Center, USA
Title: Nicotine enhances high-fat diet-induced oxidative stress in the kidney

Naznin Dixit is currently working as a Professor and Chief of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, department of Pediatrics and Director of Pediatric Endocrinology Clinical Services at Batson Children’s Hospital. She has almost 30 years of worldwide training and experience in USA, Australia and India managing children with diabetes and various endocrine disorders.
Aim: Life expectancy of an obese smoker is 13 years less than a normal weight smoker, which could be linked to the increased renal risk imposed by smoking. Both smoking-through Nicotine (NIC)-and obesity-by free fatty acid overload-provoke oxidative stress in the kidney, which ultimately results in development of chronic kidney injury. Their combined renal risk, however, is virtually unknown. The hypothesis that chronic NIC exposure worsens renal oxidative stress in mice on High-Fat Diet (HFD) by altering the balance between expression of pro-oxidant and antioxidant genes is tested.
Methods: Nine-week-old male C57Bl/6J mice consumed Normal Diet (ND) or HFD and received either NIC (200 μg/ml) or vehicle (2% saccharine) in their drinking water. Body weight, plasma clinical parameters, renal lipid deposition, markers of renal oxidative stress and injury, as well as renal expression of the pro-oxidant p66shc and the antioxidant MnSOD were determined after 12 weeks.
Results: NIC significantly augmented levels of circulating free fatty acid, as well as lipid deposition, oxidative stress and sublethal injury in the kidneys of mice on HFD. In addition, NIC exposure suppressed HFD-mediated induction of MnSOD while increased expression of p66shc in the kidney.
Conclusion: Tobacco smoking or the increasingly popular E-cigarettes-via NIC exposure-could worsen obesity-associated lipotoxicity in the kidney. Hence, the findings could help to develop strategies that mitigate adverse effects of NIC on the obese kidney.
Hongkai Gao
Chinese PLA General Hospital, China
Title: Effect of laparoscopic gastric bypass on body fat distribution and expression of adiponectin, leptin in obesity patients with T2DM

Hongkai Gao has completed his MD from West China University of Medical Science and Postdoctorate at Mayo Clinic. He is the Associate Professor of Surgery and Vice Chief of General Surgery at 3rd Medical Center, General Hospital of CPeople Liberat Army in Beijing. He served as the Director of Beijing Diabetes Prevention Association.
Obesity and its complications, such as diabetes have become a major health problem. Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) is the most effective bariatric surgery approach that has been shown to induce considerable weight loss and improve metabolic parameters in obese patients. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate changes in abdominal fat distribution, adiponectin, leptin and its relationship with diabetes remission following laparoscopic RYGB in obesity patients with T2DM. Body fat distribution by Tanita Body Composition Analyzer (Tanita Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) and Quantitative CT (QCT), adiponectin, letptin, insulin secretion and sensitivity, glucose homeostasis and diabetes control were monitored from baseline to 12 months in 52 obese patients with T2DM after RYGB. During the one-year follow-up, the remission rate of T2DM was 86.5% (45/52) and obesity was 67.3% (35/52). Then, Adiponectin decreased slightly in three months follow-up and increased gradually to 12 months after surgery while leptin increased gradually after surgery till 12 months. Body composition analyzer show fat mass and free fat mass decreased significantly after surgery, while fat mass changed more sharply. The total abdominal fat volume decreased significantly following surgery. Futhermore, total visceral fat volume contributed more fat loss than total subcutaneous fat volume and the visceral fat lost most in L5/S1 level by QCT. Abdominal visceral fat accumulation is a pathogenic factor of metabolic disorder which contributes to obesity and diabetes. The improvement of abdominal fat distribution and adipokines functions might be one of the main metabolic reasons of diabetes remission after RYGB.

Orlando Gonzalez is a Sports Medicine Specialist and a Member of The Society of Bariatric Physicians. He has been involved in obesity medicine and weight management for over a decade. He is also a Member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. He currently practices orthopedics, sports medicine and family medicine in Jersey City, New Jersey and has his Anti-Aging & Wellness Program (LIFE*MOD LLC), headquartered in the financial district in downtown Manhattan. He is the Founder and CEO of LIFE*MOD LLC.
Introduction: Obesity is a worldwide epidemic that has proven difficult to treat. In the United States, over 70% of Americans are considered overweight. Using a multifaceted psychosocial approach appears to have higher impact than traditional obesity management in combating obesity rates and decreasing dependence on medication for chronic morbidities due to obesity. Objectives: In this Prospective Observational Study we aimed to employ specific multifaceted approaches to decreasing weight in overweight individuals and follow their progress. Methods: This was an observational case series study that is ongoing. Our primary endpoint was to employ different methods, including lifestyle questionnaire, body composition analysis, dietary journaling, nutritional consultation, physical therapy evaluation, blood specimen analysis and motivational coaching, by various professionals including physicians, nutritionists, physical trainers and therapists and life coaches. Our goal here was to see if using this multifaceted approach actually increased weight management compliance. Results: One thousand one hundred patients were included. Average overweight in pounds was measured by our InBody Composition machine, and was 35 pounds. Targeting the patients’ objective by trying to change lifestyle incrementally, using a nutritionist for consultation and interpreting lab results, and close follow-up resulted in an average weight loss of 30 pounds over a one-and-a-half year period. (on-going study). Every single patient lost some weight. One hundred patients stopped their hypertensive medications, and another forty stopped their high cholesterol medications. This was an unexpected finding of our study. Of those that lost weight, 90% have kept the weight off. We lost fifty-eight patients to follow up. 98% of patients reported feeling better and having more energy. 85% reported increase in life appreciation and enjoyment. Conclusion: Using different approaches within different disciplines and careful follow up appear to increase self-information awareness and better compliance which then leads to losing weight. It appears as well, that this approach, would improve health outcomes and prolong and encourage a more healthy lifestyle, as a number of our patients that were once hypertensive and hypercholesterolemic, no longer carried that diagnosis. Larger, comparative studies need to be performed before this multifaceted approach can be routinely and largely employed.

Meghan is a former World Class BMX bicycle racer, Meghan most recently appeared as an Australian Ninja Warrior. Currently she is the Altitude Training National Master Coach an authority on peak performance. She is an international speaker who speaks at the largest fitness conferences in the world. Her experiences as an athlete, her educational portfolio (Sports Scientist, Kinesiologist and Masters of Coaching), her entrepreneurial ventures have shaped her as a formidable leader. She is the Founder of Buzvil, by combining mental and fitness freedom bringing you the Future of Fitness Technology.
Health and fitness is being places last on our ‘to-do list’ and is becoming less and less a priority in our face-paced technological world, however, the technology that is distracting us from our health, will also be the one the one that allows us to start exercising and train faster, smarter and more time efficient. So, I guess what I’m trying to say is that before you even realize it, you’ll be working out in your apartment in Sydney with your friend from Japan in a big VR gym with Michelle Bridges as a spinning instructor. But for now, let’s slow down a bit and look at the impact technology has already had / will have in the near future on your everyday fitness routine.
Pros and cons of apps and software as a solution (SAS) are they disrupt the established health and fitness ecosystem, wearable fitness trackers, change of environment such as Altitude Training rooms, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.
Hailey Hayes
Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
Title: Sleeve gastrectomy in obese Wistar rats improves diastolic function independent of weight loss

Hailey Hayes has graduated with a BS in Biology and a BA in English from Texas Christian University. She has completed a Master’s degree in Biology from TCU and is currently participating in an MS/MD program at the Medical College of Wisconsin.
Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction (HFpEF) is the most common cause of heart failure and is characterized by impaired diastolic relaxation. Bariatric surgery significantly improves diastolic relaxation but a mechanism beyond weight loss remains unknown. In this study, the hypothesis that a Sleeve Gastrectomy (SG) will improve diastolic function independent of weight loss due to post-operative alterations in the entero-cardiac axis was tested. Male, Wistar rats were fed a High-Fat (HF) or Low-Fat (LF) diet for 10 weeks followed by SG-HF, pair-fed sham (PF-HF), ad-lib sham (AL-HF) or ad-lib LF sham surgery (n=10-14 per group). Echo cardiograms were performed pre and at eight weeks post-operatively. Left ventricular tissue was collected and analyzed for mRNA expression. While PF-HF rats weighed the same as SG-HF rats throughout the study period, only the SG cohort showed significant improvements in post-operative diastolic relaxation as measured by isovolumetric relaxation time (pre: 14.7±2.3 msec, post: 11.2±1.8 msec, p<0.05. Compared to HF-PF rats, SG-HF rats had significantly increased mRNA cardiac expression of sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase 2a (SERCA2a) (p<0.001) and insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP3) (p=0.01), while chemokine ligand 12 (CCL-12) (p=0.04) and secreted frizzled related protein 1 (SFRP1) (p=0.03) were significantly decreased. SG improves diastolic function independent of weight loss in a rat model of obesity. Further, a SG induces beneficial alterations in cardiac gene expression of multiple cardiac failure and recovery markers, including SERCA2a, IGFBP3, CCL-12 and SFRP1. The data suggests that a greater curve gastrectomy induces endocrine changes mediated by the entero-cardiac axis that reverse diastolic dysfunction independent of post-operative weight loss and could translate to extending metabolic surgery to patients with HFpEF independent of obesity status.
- Bariatric Surgery | Nutrtion and Diet | Obesity in Women | Others
- Bariatric Surgery | Nutrtion and Diet | Obesity in Women | Others
Location: Four Points by Sheraton
Session Introduction
Dave Letele
Buttabean Motivation, New Zealand
Title: How one man’s journey has resulted in a movement that has helped many Maori and Pacific regain their health and their lives

Dave Letele, 4 years ago was a different man. He had returned from Australia in debt, broken, depressed and weighing 210kgs. Today Dave is a shadow of his former self having lost 110kgs but regained his self-esteem, self-belief.
Buttabean Motivation (BBM) is a health and wellbeing movement that was inspired by Dave Letele’s own health journey. Dave’s journey regaining his health back was not easy, nor is it very common amongst Maori and Pacific individuals who are part of the growing obesity statistics. New Zealand is currently ranked 3rd in terms of obesity rates with 1.5 million individuals being classed as obese. In 2017 the total Maori population was thought to be 734,200 whilst the Pacific population was thought to be 295,941 (Statistics New Zealand, 2017; Pasifika Futures, 2017) in that year it was found that 67% of Pacific and 47% of Maori adults were obese whilst 30% of Pacific and 17% of Maori children were obese. BBM started simply by training his father in-law’s friend and posting on social media where and when training would be for others interested. These spontaneous meet ups of individuals wanting to regain their health in a safe and supportive space, has resulted in an online Facebook community with over 10,000 individuals and now, 24 scheduled boot camps across West and South Auckland that are free. BBM has grown from just a bootcamp to a 12 week The BBM Ward programme is a 12-week health and lifestyle programe which Dave runs for 20 participants at a time. Individuals who are successful in their application for the BBM Ward are provided with: BBM nutritional guideline, pre and post health testing-body scans, blood pressure and insulin level checks, 12 week training-3 minimum coached training sessions a week and mentoring. All of this is free for the participants. From the first BBM ward the results showed that participants’ lipids panels were lowered into healthy ranges and 50% of the high risk individuals improved their fasting insulin scores. All four aspects of the mental health testing (anxiety, depression, Harvard happiness and Worksafe stress) improved. The greatest results were: Hip to waist ratio improved by 22% and the body fat percentage on average pre-program was 47.04% and post program the average was 39.58%. Participants in the first ward lost a combined weight of 420 kgs.
Hongkai Gao
Chinese PLA General Hospital, China
Title: The improvement of glucolipid metabolism after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in Chinese obese patients with type-2 diabetes: A long term research

Hongkai Gao has completed his MD from West China University of Medical Science and Postdoctorate at Mayo Clinic. He is the Associate Professor of Surgery and Vice Chief of General Surgery at 3rd Medical Center, General Hospital of CPeople Liberat Army in Beijing. He served as the Director of Beijing Diabetes Prevention Association.
Obesity is a major public health problem worldwide. Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) is the most effective bariatric surgery approach that has been shown to induce considerable weight loss and improve metabolic parameters in obese patients. In view of the increasing adoption of metabolic surgery, post-surgical follow-ups are important to assess long-term effects and efficacy.Therefore, the aim of this study is to report on time changes on non-morbid patients in adiposity, insulin secretion and sensitivity, glucose homeostasis and improvement in diabetes after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) surgery in Chinese ethnicity. This prospective cohort study involved 177 patients who met the indications of bariatric surgery for obesity. Markers of adiposity, insulin secretion and sensitivity, glucose homeostasis and diabetes control were monitored from baseline to 12 months in all participants and up to five years in a subset of participants. Mixed-linear and logistic regression models were used for follow up. Mean BMI decreased by 15.5% from 30.31±5.21 kg/m2 at baseline to 25.33±2.57 kg/m2 at 12 months (p<0.001). Indices of insulin secretion and c-peptide improved during follow-up, translating into improved insulin sensitivity and glucose homeostasis. Improved diabetes control (HbA1c<6.5%) among those with diabetes was 64% at six months and 67.2% at 12 months, then the percentage of diabetes control dropped smoothly since three years (62.7%) after surgery to 5 years (60.5%). Findings were mostly similar in men and women. The favorable effects of RYGB over time on total adiposity in this population were paralleled by significant improvement in insulin secretion and sensitivity and glucose tolerance.
Naomi Davies
The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Title: Gut microbial predictive biomarkers of diabetes remission after bariatric surgery

Naomi Davies is pursuing PhD at the University of Auckland Medical School. She has Bachelor's degree obtained in Nutrition and Molecular Biology. She has worked for the Royal New Zealand Ballet Company as a Sports Nutritionist and Nutrition Educator in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Bariatric surgery, most commonly through the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) or the Sleeve Gastrectomy (SG), results in long-term weight reduction and high rates of Type-2 Diabetes (T2D) remission. Identifying those in whom T2D is unlikely to remit after such bariatric surgery can help in prioritisation and counselling of likely benefits. The aims of this study were to identify whether any baseline gut microbial taxa predicted T2D remission after bariatric surgery and to investigate whether these corresponded to other clinical predictive factors and outcomes after surgery. Body composition data and fecal samples were collected at baseline and one-year after surgery from 44 patients who were randomised to either RYGB or SG. Diabetes remission was attained in 68% of participants undergoing RYGB or SG. At one year, total weight loss was 35.9±10.3(SD) kg, with excess weight loss (defined using reference normal BMI of 24 kg/m2) of 74.8±26%. Using shotgun metagenomic analysis we identified higher abundance Eubacteriaceae (p=0.01) and Alistipes putredinis (p=0.009) in the pre-surgery fecal samples only among those who remitted from T2D at one year. These did not relate to baseline T2D duration or insulin treatment. However, after surgery, those who remitted from T2D had significantly more abundant Roseburia (p=0.005) and Lachnospiraceae (p=0.04). These bacterial taxa also did not correlate with EWL% or T2D duration in our cohort. Although it cannot be concluded that gut microbiota are causal to T2D remission after bariatric surgery, they may be useful predictive biomarkers of future T2D status.
Alana G
Conscious Parenting Retreat, Australia
Title: Conscious parenting and how to recognize generational patterns that aren’t serving you or your child?

Alana has been in the wellness industry for over 15 years. She has been involved with many events to facilitate change. She began running retreats on parenting, which has now grown and developed into a collaboration of amazing parents who are embodying their own work and discussing all aspects as to what it takes to be a conscious parent. Alana had found her purpose and as a single mother herself she is proud to announce she is the founder of the first conscious parenting retreat for kids and parents in Australia to bring new tools and skills to our communities.
Helping parents to heal from their own past traumas and what happened to them as children so they can show up and do things differently with their own children. The tools we teach are all about deep respect and understanding the power of listening to our children's feelings, so they have a chance to express themselves fully and process the things they experience every day. We know that this literally builds the neurons in their brains and that we can impact the entire world by listening to our children and supporting them in a new way. Parents will leave empowered to do things differently and instead of using time outs and consequences or harsh punishments, getting caught in power struggles and difficult cycles that lead to disconnection, they will have a road map to tackle the hard things that arise with their children with love and compassion and learning how to set limits in new ways that foster mutual respect and deep listening and connection. Parenting is hard work and it can be so much easier when parents have new knowledge and awareness about what is really going on when our amazing children are having a hard time, and then the tools we all need to learned to do this in a new way. Total Paradigm shift for families which will ripple out into the world around us and into our communities. Health and education in the world begins at home.