Day :
- Control of Obesity | Weight Management | Obesity in Animals | Obesity
Session Introduction
Orlando Gonzalez
Title: Obesity management: A multifaceted approach

Orlando Gonzalez is a Sports Medicine Specialist and a Member of The Society of Bariatric Physicians. He has been involved in obesity medicine and weight management for over a decade. He is also a Member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. He currently practices orthopedics, sports medicine and family medicine in Jersey City, New Jersey and has his Anti-Aging & Wellness Program (LIFE*MOD LLC), headquartered in the financial district in downtown Manhattan. He is the Founder and CEO of LIFE*MOD LLC.
Introduction: Obesity is a worldwide epidemic that has proven difficult to treat. In the United States, over 70% of Americans are considered overweight. Using a multifaceted psychosocial approach appears to have higher impact than traditional obesity management in combating obesity rates and decreasing dependence on medication for chronic morbidities due to obesity.
Objectives: In this prospective observational study, we aimed to employ specific multifaceted approaches to decreasing weight in overweight individuals and follow their progress.
Methods: This was an observational case series study that is ongoing. Our primary endpoint was to employ different methods, including lifestyle questionnaire, body composition analysis, dietary journaling, nutritional consultation, physical therapy evaluation, blood specimen analysis and motivational coaching, by various professionals including physicians, nutritionists, physical trainers and therapists and life coaches. Our goal here was to see if using this multifaceted approach actually increased weight management compliance.
Results: One thousand one hundred (1001) patients were included. Average overweight in pounds was measured by our InBody Composition machine, and was 35 pounds. Targeting the patients’ objective by trying to change lifestyle incrementally, using a nutritionist for consultation and interpreting lab results and close follow-up resulted in an average weight loss of 30 pounds over a one-and-a-half year period. Every single patient lost some weight. One hundred (100) patients stopped their hypertensive medications and another 40 stopped their high cholesterol medications. This was an unexpected finding of our study. Of those that lost weight, 90% have kept the weight off. We lost 58 patients to follow up. Ninety-eight percent (98%) of patients reported feeling better and having more energy and 85% reported increase in life appreciation and enjoyment.
Conclusion: Using different approaches within different disciplines and careful follow up appear to increase self-information awareness and better compliance which then leads to losing weight. It appears as well, that this approach would improve health outcomes and prolong and encourage more healthy lifestyle, as a number of our patients that were once hypertensive and hypercholesterolemic, no longer carried that diagnosis. Larger, comparative studies need to be performed before this multifaceted approach can be routinely and largely employed.
Nadezhda Bazhan
Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Russia
Title: Fasting increases FGF21 expression in liver and changes gene expressions in metabolic organs in a sex-specific manner in mice

Nadezhda Bazhan is the chief researcher at the Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, and professor of Novosibirsk State University.
Fasting is often used for obesity correction. Fibroblast growth factor-21 (FGF21) is a hormone secreted by the liver during fasting that elicits diverse aspects of the adaptive fasting response. In mice, FGF21 is induced through a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPAR α)-dependent mechanism. It is unknown whether fasting increases the FGF21expression in the liver in a sex-specific manner. We found, that in females, 24h-fasting increased hepatic Pparα and Fgf21 gene expressions and blood FGF21 and adiponectin levels to a greater extent than in males. Fasting-induced changes in hepatic expression of genes related to gluconeogenesis, glucose oxidation, and fatty acid synthesis were the same in males and females. In females, adaptation to fasting was associated with upregulation of Ucp3 and Cpt1 expressions in muscle, and multidirectional changes in Slc2a4 gene expressions: increased in muscle and decreased in visceral white adipose tissue (WAT). In males, downregulation of Pparγ in visceral and subcutaneous WAT was the only adaptation to fasting. Thus fasting induced more pronounced increase in the FGF21 signaling and wider range of transcriptional responses in females compare to males. These data can be taken into account when using fasting for body weight regulation. This study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, grant No 17-15-01036.
Ligen Yu
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Title: Atypical anorexia (Luigi Cornaro diet) as a precaution against diseases and a sustainable weight management strategy

Ligen Yu has his expertise in materials sciences, surface engineering, powder metallurgy, bibliometrics analysis, and diet and weight management.
Many studies show that infection-induced anorexia (IIA) as an active host defence strategy promotes health recovery during an infection.[1] IIA belongs to the atypical anorexia that are not induced by mental disorder, and should not be confused with anorexia nervosa (an eating disorder). It is atypical because the host generally has a normal weight. The first person who stated explicitly that IIA contributes to health recovery is Luigi Cornaro (1464-1566), and he used this reasoning to explain why his anorexic diet helped him to stay healthy and live long until a ripe old age of 102. In his Discourses,[2] he wrote: “When men are taken ill they discontinue, or nearly so, their food (IIA). Now, if by reducing themselves to a small quantity (IIA), they recover from the jaws of death, how can they doubt, but that, with a slight increase of diet consistent with reason, they will be able to support nature, when in health.” By substantially decreasing food intake only “enough to keep body and soul together”, Luigi Cornaro had found that atypical anorexia could promote health and prolong life span. The reason is, the starvation state induced by atypical anorexia is a strong stimuli for autophagy. And autophagy is an intracellular process that has multiple physiological functions such as cellular quality control, energetic balance maintenance and pathogen cleaning.[3] So we propose that atypical anorexia (Luigi Cornaro diet) can be adopted as a promising disease-free life style, and a sustainable strategy to combat the prevalent obesity epidemic.
Elena Makarova
Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Russia
Title: Sex-specific changes of gene expression in response to obesity are associated with different FGF21 expression in obese male and female mice

Dr. Elena Makarova (PhD – biology) now is a senior researcher in the Laboratory of Physiological Genetics in the Institute of Cytology and Genetics (Novosibirsk, Russia). Her researches focus on the studies of sex-specific influence of maternal leptin on metabolic characteristics in progeny of rodents. She with her colleagues found maternal leptin retarded obesity development in male progeny of mice.
Propensity to develop obesity-related metabolic complications is higher in males than in females. The liver-derived hormone FGF21 improves obesity-induced metabolic abnormalities. It is unknown if FGF21 is involved in sex-specific metabolic response to obesity. We studied expression of FGF21 and the genes, which are under its control (PPARg, CPT1, UCP1, UCP3) or mediate its signaling (KLB) in fat tissues, muscles and liver of obese male and female C57Bl mice. The gene expression response to obesity was sex- and tissue-specific. The blood FGF21 concentrations, and gene expression of FGF21 in liver and brown adipose tissue (BAT) and CPT1 in the subcutaneous white adipose tissue were elevated in obese mice, and were much higher in males than in females. Elevation of FGF21 in males was associated with inhibited CPT1b and UCP3 expression in muscles and inhibited KLB and PPARg expression in BAT, which was not observed in females. These changes indicate the development of resistance to FGF21 in muscles and BAT of males. The results suggest that sex-specific FGF21 expression in obese animals may contribute to the sex differences in fat accumulation, and resistance to FGF21 in some tissues may be a reason of more male vulnerability to obesity complications. (Supported by the Russian Science Foundation, Grant 17-15-010136).

Emil Mukhamejanov, M.D., Professor in the biochemistry of nutrition. He has worked for 20 years at the Institute of nutrition in Almaty. In 1981, he travelled as an expert on nutrition to WHO obesity centres in the Netherlands, Britain, Sweden and Denmark. Developed metabolic model of the relationship between the exchange of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Participated in the development of dietary products for obesity.
Objective: The body has a number of idle energy-dependent metabolic cycles that contribute to the conservation of energy balance. The protein turnover increases with excess intake of calories and decreases with their deficiency, so it can contribute to maintaining the energy balance.
Methods: The approach was to develop a model for establishing the key role of protein metabolism in coordinating the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.
Results: A model was developed for the relationship between proteins, fats and carbohydrates exchange. In the absorptive period, a decrease in protein synthesis with a protein deficit (low protein diet) leads to a reduction in glucose utilization, which is manifested by its increase in blood and an increase in the discharge of its carbon skeleton into lipids. On the contrary, on the high-protein diet the negative manifestations of the restriction of physical activity on the exchange of glucose and fats are smoothed out. In the post-absorptive period, proteins are the main supplier of the substrate for the process of gluconeogenesis, which is provided by the energy of fat oxidation, so fat oxidation increases on the high protein nutrition. This allowed us to offer a product for obesity diet therapy (Patent GB496119 January 22, 2014).
Conclusion: Thus, protein metabolism plays a coordinating role in the mechanism of carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and in order to increase the effectiveness of technology in the prevention and treatment of obesity, adequate substrate support of the protein synthesis process (quantity and quality).
Sujan Banik
Noakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh
Title: The prevalence of overweight, obesity and abdominal obesity in Bangladeshi university students

Sujan Banik completed his B.Pharm & M.Pharm from Noakhali Science and Technology University (1st Batch). Currently he is an Assisstant Professor for the Department of Pharmacy at Noakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh. His research interest includes Public Health & Pharmacy Practice, Pharmacology.
A sustained economic growth in Bangladesh leading to nutrition transition with negative impact on health followed to sedentary lifestyle, and obesity. In this study we accessed the prevalence of overweight, obesity and abdominal obesity in university students of Bangladesh at different ages. This cross-sectional study in Bangladeshi university students was conducted in December, 2016 to June, 2017. Randomly selected participants, aged 18 to 25 years were analyzed from three specific universities as per gender variation. The height and waist-circumference were measured using measuring tape and weight by personal weight scale. Of the 500 participants, 64.6% (n=323) were males, 35.4% (n=177) were females and mean age (standard deviation) was 21.76 (1.86) years. The prevalence of overweight and obesity (14.86% vs. 11.86%) were significantly 1.29-fold higher in males than females (OR: 1.29, 95%CI: 0.75-2.25, p<0.001). Mean waist-circumference was significantly (p<0.001) higher in males than females, but the waist-to height ratio (WHtR) was higher in females than in males (p<0.001). This study revealed the prevalence of overweight and obesity is higher in male than female in Bangladeshi students. However, future study and public health efforts are needed to address complications of obesity problem and to promote active lifestyles.
Katarzyna Jasinska
Jagiellonian University Medical College, Poland
Title: Impact of mind interventions on results of weight loss surgery
Katarzyna JasiÅ„ska, graduate student at the Faculty of Medicine Jagiellonian University Medical College, Krakow, Poland. Member of Student’s Scientific Group of Systematic Reviews, Systematic Reviews Unit - Polish Cochrane Branch.
Introduction: Although weight loss surgery is predominantly sufficient method of treatment of morbid obesity, there is always a risk of weight regain. Additional therapies such as behavioral and psychological interventions are considered to be effective in restricting of gaining weight after bariatric surgery.
Aim: The purpose of this study is to assess effectiveness of mind interventions in perioperative period on losing weight.
Material and methods: This study is a systematic review (SR), conducted following current guidelines for SRs. Protocol of this study is registered in international prospective register of systematic reviews. In search of relevant papers three databases, register of clinical trials and references were screened. Titles, abstracts and full texts screening and data extraction were performed independently by two reviewers at any stage. We have included RCTs assessing influence of mind interventions on outcome of weight loss surgery with follow up of least 6 months. Risk of bias of each of included study was assessed with ROB Cochrane tool for RCTs. The results were summarized using meta-analysis.
Results: Our comprehensive search has indicated 10,339 papers of which 12 was included into qualitative analysis and 9 into quantitative analysis. Mean number of patients in included studies was 269 and average follow-up duration was 16.88 months. Mean difference in weight loss between intervention and control group was 3.95 kg (95% CI: 0.84-7.06, p=0.01, I2=0%) in favour of group with mind intervention.
Conclusion: Average change in body weight varies between the group with mind intervention
Refia Gulin OGUT EKER graduated from at Hacettepe University, Assoc. Professor at Hacettepe University, Faculty of Letters, Turkish Folklore. Dr. OGUT EKER is an active member of the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage and Folklore Research Institutions in Turkey and International Conference on Humanities and Educational Research (ICHER) in USA. She is a member editorial board of the Milli Folklor, Bilig, Folklor Literature, Hacettepe University Journal of Turkiyat Researches, Gazi University Journal of Turkish Research. Her researches focus on the studies of “cultural studies, folklore, cultural memory, cultural economy, gender, food culture, family culture, Nasreddin Hodja, tradition-modernity / transitional periods such as birth / marriage / military / death”
‘Eating’ and ‘losing weight’ are the most produced and consumed areas of the 21st century world. The forces of domination in the modern era, encourage people to eat constantly on one hand, and thus encourage obesity, and on the other hand, tempt people to buy countless products and services in order to lose weight. This paradox between eating and losing weight is the method the modern world’s consumption authorities use to dominate especially through the female body. In this research, obesity which is known as a physiological health problem will be discussed with a perspective of how human kind, who is in need of living among the others, perceive it culturally. For this purpose, the sense of power established on the female body of the 21st century will be revealed by the ideal woman perception in the Orhon Booklets and the Book of Dede Korkut, the written sources of Turkish culture. Primarily in the study, the codes about the female body in the Orhon Booklets, written in 732 and 735, Turkish text in which the name of the Turkish nation was first mentioned, and in the stories of the Book of Dede Korkut, which belongs to 8th- 9th centuries and was written in the 14th century, have been identified. The intended purpose of putting cultural beauty codes forward is to find out how and why the understanding of women’s beauty changed in the Turkish cultural history by means of gender approach and to figure out how the concept of ‘obesity’ is formed in the perspective of social domination through this perception. Beauty perception which will be defined as a social and cultural value in the study, from Pierre Bourdieu’s definition of ‘socialized body’, obesity in nutrition culture, and its use as body domination through the feminine body is another aim desired to be explored in the research.
Tasabeeh Alnoor is a teaching assistant in physiology Alneelain University, faculty of medicine, Associate professor in physiology Alneelain University, faculty of medicine, medical student in Alneelain university, faculty of medicine, Assistant professor in physiology International University of Africa, faculty of medicine.
Introduction: Epidemiological evidences suggest a strong relation between birth weight and some diseases in adult life (hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases (CVD)). It is thought that an adverse intrauterine environment provokes adaptive response to ensure fetal survival which if persist into adulthood may cause metabolic and CVD disease.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to study association between birth weight and metabolic syndrome parameters among medical students, aiming to avail information to build the natural history of weight gain during early adulthood.
Methodology: This descriptive cross-sectional study conducted in Al-Neelain public University; done as part of a larger study that examined the prevalence of obesity among medical, 50 students who have birth weight data were involved in this study. Ethical approval was obtained and Data (collected by Questionnaire, blood pressure, anthropometric measurements and blood sample) were analyzed using SPSS (version23).
Results: In this study metabolic syndrome (MetS) prevalence was 2% and 4.1% using IDF and ATPIII definitions respectively. MetS risk factors were highly prevalent 32.6%; for obesity and overweight, 48.1% for hypertension and pre hypertension. The relationship between birth weight and adulthood obesity show inverted J shape relation with a tendency for higher BMI among lower birth weight. LBW show statistical significance in relation to uncontrolled eating habit P value= 0.004 when compared to appropriate birth weight. Mean value for BP was higher among large for gestational age LGA and low birth weight LBW compared to appropriate birth weight individuals.
Conclusion: 1. High prevalence of overweight/obesity as well as pre-hypertension/ HTN 2. An inverted J shape relationship between birth weight and adulthood obesity was found.
Recommendation: Prevention of abnormal birth weight development through proper antenatal care
Giada Pietrabissa
Catholic University of Milan, Italy
Title: Brief strategic therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy for obese women with binge eating disorder: A randomized clinical trial one-year follow-up

Giada Pietrabissa, PhD, PsyD holds the positions of postdoc (scientific-disciplinary sector: M-PSI 08; clinical psychology) and adjunct professor at the Catholic University of Milan. She also works as research psychologist in the Clinical Psychology Lab and Service at the Institute for Treatment and Research (IRCCS) Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milan, where she provides individual and group-based interventions to people suffering from eating disorders, obesity and other chronic conditions, including cardiac problems. She authored several articles published in academic and professional peer-review journals, and book chapters.
Objective: Binge eating disorder (BED) is frequently linked with obesity and related health risks like cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The purpose of this randomized clinical trial was to determine the effectiveness of brief strategic therapy (BST) compared to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) one year after a two-phase inpatient and outpatient telemedicine treatment for BED. Method: Obese Italian women with BED were recruited from a self-referred inpatient treatment program for weight loss (n = 60) and randomly assigned to either the BST treatment condition (n = 30) or CBT treatment condition (n = 30). Inpatient psychotherapy sessions were conducted in person and outpatient telemedicine psychotherapy sessions were conducted over the telephone. Multilevel growth curve modeling was used to estimate average growth trajectories from baseline to one year after treatment for the following outcomes: binge eating frequency, weight, and global functioning. Results: One year after treatment women in the BST condition decreased in binge eating frequency and women in the CBT condition did not, whereas women in both conditions improved in weight and global functioning. BST was statistically and clinically superior to CBT in improving binge eating frequency, weight, and global functioning. Conclusions: Examining BED given the current obesity epidemic is an important area of study. Findings suggest that BST is statistically and clinically more effective than CBT—an empirically supported treatment for BED—in treating BED, promoting weight loss, and improving global functioning among obese women one year after treatment. Telemedicine may be instrumental in reducing attrition.
- Childhood Obesity | Control of Obesity
Session Introduction
Vaclav Bunc
Charles University, Czech Republic
Title: Active lifestyle is a crucial means of body mass reducing in overweight or obese girls

Vaclav Bunc - graduated from Technical University Prague, professor in the Exercise Physiology from Charles University Prague Main topics: application of mathematical methods and models in PE and sport, using of biocybernetics by evaluation of physical fitness, exercise physiology, obesity reduction, functional and physical testing in laboratory and field, body composition, BIA methods, moving regimes for prevention in cardiac and obese patients. He is member of Czech and International scientific societies, head of many research projects, author of the great numbers of research reports.
In developed countries overweight and obesity affects at least 1-in-3 girls. Young people with a high BMI during youth are more likely to remain overweight or obese throughout their adult life. Poor nutrition, in addition to an overall lack of exercise, is one of the major issues of the current modern day lifestyle. The energy content of current nutrition in the Czech Republic has been practically stable over the last two decades. In contrast, the energy content during general, daily function during the same period, decreased by about 30%. The basis of regime interventions to influence obesity is increasing the volume of PA regularly carried out – to change the sedentary on active life style. The most common questions needed to be answered when designing exercise intervention are thus: are the physical assumptions affected by BM? To assess the predispositions for PA using BC, we can look at the ratio of extracellular (ECM) and intracellular (BCM) mass. To verify the dependence of the coefficient ECM/BCM on body mass (BM) we used bioimpedance analysis; calculating this ratio for girls (normal BM, N=102, mean age=12.7±3.1 years, BMI=19.4±0.2 kg.m-2; overweight, N=83, 12.7±3.1, 24.9±0.4; obese, N=69, 12.8±3.0, 29.8±0.5). We did not find significant differences in the ECM/BCM and thus in predispositions for PA, and non-significant dependence on BM (normal BM, mean ECM/BCM=0.89±0.02; overweight, 0.90±0.03; obese, 0.91±0.02). In conclusion: 1.the morphological predispositions for exercise are not dependent on BM, 2.there do not exist any objective limitations for regular PA realized in the majority of the female population, 3.for successful management of an overweight populous and/or, in the case of individual obesity, it is necessary to adapt their life style.
- Obesity during Pregnancy | Obesity and Diabetes
Session Introduction
Elena Makarova
Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Russia
Title: Leptin administration in midpregnancy reduces foetal and early postnatal growth rate and abolishes obesity-associated hyperglycemia in mouse offspring

Dr. Elena Makarova (PhD – biology) now is a senior researcher in the Laboratory of Physiological Genetics in the Institute of Cytology and Genetics (Novosibirsk, Russia). Her researches focus on the studies of sex-specific influence of maternal leptin on metabolic characteristics in progeny of rodents. She with her colleagues found maternal leptin retarded obesity development in male progeny and improves glucose metabolism in progeny of both sexes in mice.
Maternal obesity increases the risk of obesity in offspring. Leptin is increased in obese animals, and elevation of maternal leptin may affect the metabolic phenotype of the offspring. We explore the effects of leptin elevation during midpregnancy on the offspring metabolic phenotypes, foetal growth, and placental gene expression. C57BL mice received a single injection of leptin or saline on pregnancy day 12. Body weight (BW) was measured weekly in offspring, which consumed standard show or palatable food, and the mRNA expression of glucose and amino acid transporters, insulin-like growth factor 2 and its receptor was measured 3 h, and the placental and foetal weights were measured 24 h after the injection. The offspring born to leptin-treated mothers exhibited growth retardation before and catch-up growth after weaning, and mature male offspring had an increased BW on a standard diet. Prenatal exposure to leptin did not influence the obesity development but prevented the development of obesity-associated hyperglycemia. The leptin injection decreased the foetal weight by 5% and the placental mRNA level of amino acid transporter SNAT2. The results suggest that elevation of maternal leptin in midpregnancy has positive effect on glucose metabolism in mature offspring and this effect is associated with leptin influence on fetal growth and amino acid transporter expression in placentas. (Supported by the RFBR, Grant 17-04-01357).
- Obesity in Animals | Weight Management | Obesity and Diabetes
Session Introduction
Tatiana Iakovleva
The Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Russia
Title: Sex-specific effects of the high fat and sugar diet on FGF21 signaling in brown adipose tissue in C57Bl mice

Tatiana Iakovleva graduated Novosibirsk University in 1988. At the University, she studied the properties and function of estradiol secreted by the adrenal gland. She then studied effects of colour mutations (agouti and non agouti) on the function of pituitary-adrenal system in females and males of Arvicola terestris, effects of colour mutation Agouti yellow on the function of pituitary-adrenal system in mice C57Bl, effects of melanocortin system and estradiol on obesity development and insulin sensitivity in females of C57Bl mice.
The energy-burning capacity of brown adipose tissue (BAT) makes it an attractive target for use in anti obesity therapies. There are sex differences in the metabolic disorders development: high fat diet induces hyperglycemia development in males, but not in females. Serum FGF21 levels are associated with BAT activity. We investigated the effects of high fat and sugar diet (10 weeks) on blood levels of FGF21, insulin, leptine, glucose, on mRNA levels of genes involved in FGF21 signaling (Fgf21, Klotho beta, Pparg), and on mRNA levels of genes related to BAT activity (Ucp1, Slc2a1, Cpt1, Dio2, Hsl) in females and males of C57Bl mice. We found that diet induced obesity, increased blod levels of FGF21, glucose and leptin in females and males and induced hyperinsulinemia development in males. We found also that diet impaired BAT FGF21 signaling only in males: increased mRNA level of Fgf21 and reduced mRNA levels of Klotho beta and Ppargï€ . Obviously due to impaired FGF21 signaling high blood FGF21 levels and increased BAT Fgf21 expression were associated with decreased expression of Slc2a1 and unaltered expression of Ucp1 genes in BAT of obese males. In females, the diet did not affect FGF21 signaling.
- Obesity and Diabetes | Causes and Consequences | Obesity | Control of Obesity
Session Introduction
Mohammad Salim Hossain
Noakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh
Title: Alpha amylase activity is positively lined with the propensity of obesity, diabetes and inflammation

Mohammad Salim Hossain, after being graduated in Pharmacy from University of Dhaka, obtained his PhD form Tottori University, Japan. Now he is a professor of Pharmacy at Noakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh. Dr. Hossain has vast experiences in studing the biochemical and molecular regulation of adipogenesis and adipocyte inflammation. He aims to explore the cross linking parameters between obesity and other related life style diseases. He also studying natural products for combating obesity and likned non cummunicable diseases.
Alpha amylases are enzymes which hydrolyze dietary starch into disaccharides and trisaccharides which are further converted by other enzymes to glucose to supply the body with energy. Thus, alpha amylase acts as a key player in metabolic energy homeostasis. Hence, assessment of the activity of alpha amylase in metabolic disorders, such as in obesity and diabetes, is of interest. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to demonstrate the role of alpha amylase in the pathological progression of obesity and diabetes and to elucidate the effect of trace mineral in controlling its activity. To implement the hypothesis, alpha amylase activity along with various biochemical markers such as glucose level, triglyceride, total cholesterol, C-reactive protein and creatinine level were assessed. In addition, an attempt was done to characterize the in-vitro modulation of alpha amylase activity by trace mineral (zinc). In obesity and diabetes, sufficient deviation was observed in the level of biochemical markers including blood glucose, lipid profile, C-reactive protein (CRP), creatinine and alpha amylase activity when compared with healthy participants. Alpha amylase activity found to be positively linked with body mass index (BMI). In addition, alpha amylase also showed a positive correlation with blood glucose level and duration of diabetes. Thus, it can be stated that alpha amylase can initiate a cross-link mechanism between BMI and blood glucose level facilitating the propensity of obesity and diabetes. Furthermore, alpha amylase also showed a significant positive correlation with CRP, an ideal inflammatory marker, suggesting an intricate role of alpha amylase on propagation of inflammation in obesity and diabetes. Serum creatinine also showed an insignificant positive link with alpha amylase activity in obesity and type 2 diabetes. Moreover, in-vitro serum fortification with zinc represents a significant inhibition on the activity of alpha amylase in obesity and diabetes. Thus, alpha amylase can be considered as a major risk factor in the pathogenesis of obesity and diabetes associated complications and supplementation of zinc trace mineral can be suggested to control this impetuous marker.
Ping Zhou
Peking Union Medical College, China
Title: Notoginsenoside R1 attenuates diabetic retinopathy via TFEB-dependent enhancement of mitophagy flux

Ping Zhou is a PhD candidate from the Institute of Medicinal Plant Development, Peking Union Medical College. Beijing, China. She is 28 years old. She majored in Pharmacology of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and main focus on the study of pathogenesis of diabetes and its complications and the protective effect of Panax notoginseng.
A growing evidence have proved that dysfunction of mitophagy in retinal microvascular endothelial cells is associated with diabetic retinopathy (DR). Notoginsenoside R1 (NGR1) is isolated from P. notoginseng and has many pharmacological effects such as anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative and anti-apoptotic properties. However, its protective effects on DR and the underlying mechanism are still unknown. In the present study, we found that NGR1 could significantly attenuate DR in db/db mice, characterized by the reduced microaneurysm in the retina, and increased amplitudes of B-wave. NGR1 pretreatment also significantly inhibited apoptosis in RF/6A cell model of hyperglycemia, which were detected by TUNEL and Annexin V/PI staining. NGR1 markedly reduced the production of VEGF, remarkably augmented the level of PEDF and significantly suppressed oxidative stress and inflammation in RF/6A cells exposed to HG and the retinas of db/db mice. Moreover, the increased PINK1 and Parkin expression, the elevated LC3-II/LC3-I ratio, and the lessened p62/SQTSM1 expression were observed in NGR1-treated RF/6A cells exposed to HG and the retinas of NGR1-treated db/db mice. Furthermore, NGR1 pretreatment promoted TFEB nuclear translocation, which resulted in upregulation of LAMP-1 in RF/6A cells and the retinas of db/db mice. NGR1 pretreatment also increased co-localization of LAMP-1 and Tomm20 in RF/6A cells. Importantly, the knockdown of TFEB could abolish these protective effects of NGR1. In summary, these results demonstrated that NGR1 protected against DR via TFEB-dependent enhancement of mitophagy flux.
Eun Jung Choi
Daedong Hospital, South Korea
Title: Effects of electrical muscle stimulation on waist circumference in adults: A randomized controlled trial

Eun Jung, CHOI Dr. Ph.D is very popular in Busan as a “professional dieter” becuase she lost 20kgs in 2 years by lifestlye modification and is maintaining her BMI as 22 for 1 year. She gave lecture at Korean Scociety for The Study of Obesity in 2016 about losing weight. She was on KNN TV talkshow on Jan 7, 2018 about diet and also wrote many newspaper articles.
Obesity is one of the leading preventable causes of death worldwide and the biggest concern of public health. To the best of our knowledge, no randomized controlled trials (RCT) evaluating the effect of EMS on obesity or regional fat distribution have been performed. We hypothesized that EMS is an effective and safe treatment of man and woman with abdominal obesity so that EMS decrease WC or abdominal fat, increase abdominal muscle mass and improve biochemical markers. Therefore, we designed first RCT study to investigate EMS efficacy for 12-week program by comparing it with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). EMS group had a 5.1 ± 2.8cm decreased in WC while TENS group showed a 2.9 ± 3.3cm loss in WC after 12 weeks. In EMS group, WC declined more sharply in the latter half then in the first half of the study. Furthermore, when dividing participants in subgroups according to the degree of WC loss (less than 2 cm, 2 cm to 4 cm, and more than 4 cm), 70.0% of EMS group lost 4 cm more off of their WC while 46.7% of TENS group lost lesser than 2 cm of their WC. There was no difference between EMS and TENS in self-rated satisfaction scores at week 1 but there was significant difference at week 12 (3.3±0.7 vs. 3.7±0.7 p <0.05). In abdominal fat distribution and other metabolic and biochemical characteristics, there were no differences between EMS and TENS groups throughout 12 weeks. However, fasting FFA levels were significantly higher in EMS than TENS group at week 12. All participants completed the protocol without adverse symptoms. No changes in CK, LDH, AST, ALT, and Cr were observed in both groups during the experimental period. Therefore, 12-week program of EMS significantly reduced the waist in abdominal obese adults with out side effects. Therefore EMS is an effective and safe treatment of man and woman with abdominal obesity.

Shiny E.C. Kachhap ,a 28 year old Junior research fellow (JRF) is pursuing her Ph.D. in Zoology with special interest in the use of natural zootherapeutic sources that are ethnobiologically used by tribal of Jharkhand, India and to establish the scientific significance of medicines acquired from such sources so as to acknowledge the society about utilization of locally found species and encouraging the culture of such species that can financially support the farmers and culturers of the area. Attaining biopolymers from animal sources and determining their use is also her interest of study. With achievement of University topper and young scientist award she is presently an Assistant Professor and has been contributing in teaching for more than 2 years.
Obesity may be defined as a condition where overaccumulation of fat occurs in adipocytes that might have a negative effect on one’s health. Excess body weight due to uncontrolled eating habits leads to increased risk of many diseases. Treatment of obesity is very costly, therefore, the present society demands for medicines of natural origin that can cure, rather prevent obesity from developing. Chitosan is one such natural zootherapeutic medicine that is found in the exoskeleton of arthropods, crustaceans. Chitosan, a cationic biopolymer has affinity towards anionic fatty acids and does not allow them to get deposited in the body tissues and organs. In this experiment, Chitosan was extracted from carapace of Sartoriana spinigera , a locally found freshwater crab of Jharkhand, India. The obtained chitosan was characterized by FTIR and degree of deacetylation was found to be 78.53 %.20 albino rats were divided into 4 groups: Group A(normal diet),group B(High fat diet),group C(high fat diet+5% chitosan),group D(high fat diet +5% synthetic hypolipidemic drug).Parameters of body weight,liver weight and food intake in all groups were measured after 30 days. Statistical analysis by Student’s t test revealed that group C fed with chitosan showed lower body weight gain than group B at 1% significance.Statistical analysis also showed that average food intake of group C was least amongst all groups and was significantly lower than that of group B at 0.1%.The final liver weight of rats was also found to be significantly lower in group C than group B at 0.1% level. Ultrastructural studies of hepatocytes of different groups also confirmed that chitosan fed rats showed curing of pathological deformities observed in HFD fed rats.The findings confirm that Chitosan causes satiety and decreases body weight gain and liver weight,thereby preventing obesity. Thus, Chitosan extracted from Sartoriana spinigera should be encouraged as medicines against obesity.
Lei Anne Carolino
Jose B. Lingad Memorial Regional Hospital, Philippines
Title: Association of body mass index and all cause mortality in a tertiary regional hospital

Lei Anne Carolino has her residency training program in Jose B. Lingad Memorial Regional Hospital. She is a Diplomate of the Philippine College of Physicians. She is currently continuing her fellowship training in Adult Nephrology at the University of Sto. Tomas Hospital.
Background: All-cause mortality is increased when the patients have a co-existing condition of obesity and underweight. Cohort studies claimed that higher Body Mass Index was a cohort risk associated with coronary heart disease, stroke, and respiratory disease mortality, while other chronic diseases can lead to weight loss. In the Philippines, there are no existing data regarding the association of BMI and all-cause mortality.
Methods: This prospective cohort study was conducted at Jose B. Lingad Memorial Regional Hospital from September 2016 until September 2017. Analysis of BMI and mortality was done and logistic regression was performed to determine confounding variables.
Results: There was a significant association between BMI and mortality wherein among the 700 cases, 26% were underweight, 26% overweight, and 21% pre-obese patients while in logistic regression, odds of mortality is higher patients who were obese class I, followed by obese type I, and underweight, and mortality risk is increased when the patients were cigarette smokers, with upper gastrointestinal bleeding, with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, with coronary artery disease, with pneumonia, and cerebrovascular disease.
Conclusion: The patients’ BMI is associated with all-cause mortality. Furthermore, the risk of mortality is increased further by intervening factors of body mass index such patients’ life style and type of co-existing diseases. Mortality risk among underweight patients is increased by tobacco consumption as well as having related diseases such as upper gastrointestinal bleeding, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and pneumonia while obesity mortality risk could occur among those with concurrent coronary artery disease and cerebrovascular disease.
Judith Waudo
Kenyatta University, Kenya
Title: Obesity status of children in Kenya and programmes to enhance resilience to obesity
Judith Waudo, professor for the Department of Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics at Kenyatta University. She is also the Chief Advisor, Curriculum Review, Department of Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics, Chair, Departmental Centre of excellence in Foods and Nutrition Department.
Historically Kenya has been associated with the problem of under-nutrition. During past two decades Kenya has been struggling with the problem of double mal-nutrition namely under-nutrition and obesity. Nutrition in transition has escalated the problem of child obesity which stands at 24%. The main causes of obesity include consumption of fast and street foods which are high in fats and sugars, and sedentary lifestyles. The cultural perception that being “fat is good “, is also a causative factor. The consequences of obesity thus include: high morbidity and mortality, poor self-image, high prevalence of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Further, obesity is not currently covered by the Health Insurance Fund. In order to enhance resilience to obesity in children, one must begin early in life when children are forming their eating habits to instill good nutrition. The Ministry of Health has adopted WHO measures to reduce child obesity. These initiatives include: promotion of dietary diversity, promotion of intake of health foods, promotion of physical activity at an early age, monitoring of preconception and pregnancy weight, nutrition and physical activity in school age children and behavior change in weight management. The Kenyan new curriculum has responded to this problem of child obesity by including nutrition and physical activity as compulsory subjects starting at pre-pre-primary (age 3). The introduction of an annual Kenyan Nutrition and Physical Activity School Children Score Card since 2014 has had a positive impact on obesity reduction. These measures if implemented successfully will go a long way in solving the problem of child obesity.
Hosea Hariono
Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Indonesia
Title: Relation of body mass index and waist circumference with the incidience of diabetes mellitus in elderly

Hosea hariono attended the Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia and obtained his Bachelor of Medicine in 2015. Now he is currently working as a co-assistant doctors at Atma Jaya Hospital Indonesia, He hopes to finish medical school, possibly enter a residency program, and then begin his own research projects.
Background. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease with various complication. However, many of those with the disease are unaware of their condition eventually leading to inevitable complication. Among various types of diabetes, 90% suffers type 2 diabetes mellitus. Obesity is the main contributing factor in the pathogenesis of this disease. Body Mass Index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) are two measurements often used to assess obesity. Both of these measurements have the potential to be a simple examination that could help to show the incidence of diabetes mellitus.
Goals. Determining the relation of body mass index and waist circumference with the incidence of diabetes mellitus in elderly.
Methods. Research is done cross sectionally by acquiring anthropometric and blood sugar measurements in the elderly community of GKI Serpong.
Results. BMI have no meaningful relationship with the incidence of diabetes mellitus. WC have a meaningful relationship with the incidence of diabetes mellitus (p-value: 0.015, confidence interval: 95%). The cut-off point of WC is 85.25 cm with 63% sensitivity and 60% specificity.
Conclusions. BMI have no meaningful relationship with the incidence of diabetes mellitus while WC have a meaningful relationship with the incidence of diabtes mellitus.

Emil Mukhamejanov, M.D., Professor in the biochemistry of nutrition. He has worked for 20 years at the Institute of nutrition in Almaty. In 1981, he travelled as an expert on nutrition to WHO obesity centres in the Netherlands, Britain, Sweden and Denmark. Developed metabolic model of the relationship between the exchange of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Participated in the development of dietary products for obesity.
Objective: The body has a number of idle energy-dependent metabolic cycles that contribute to the conservation of energy balance. The protein turnover increases with excess intake of calories and decreases with their deficiency, so it can contribute to maintaining the energy balance. Methods: The approach was to develop a model for establishing the key role of protein metabolism in coordinating the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. Results: A model was developed for the relationship between proteins, fats and carbohydrates exchange. In the absorptive period, a decrease in protein synthesis with a protein deficit (low protein diet) leads to a reduction in glucose utilization, which is manifested by its increase in blood and an increase in the discharge of its carbon skeleton into lipids. On the contrary, on the high-protein diet the negative manifestations of the restriction of physical activity on the exchange of glucose and fats are smoothed out. In the post-absorptive period, proteins are the main supplier of the substrate for the process of gluconeogenesis, which is provided by the energy of fat oxidation, so fat oxidation increases on the high protein nutrition. This allowed us to offer a product for obesity diet therapy (Patent GB496119 January 22, 2014). Conclusion: Thus, protein metabolism plays a coordinating role in the mechanism of carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and in order to increase the effectiveness of technology in the prevention and treatment of obesity, adequate substrate support of the protein synthesis process (quantity and quality).