Vaclav Bunc
Charles University, Czech Republic
Title: Active lifestyle is a crucial means of body mass reducing in overweight or obese girls
Biography: Vaclav Bunc
In developed countries overweight and obesity affects at least 1-in-3 girls. Young people with a high BMI during youth are more likely to remain overweight or obese throughout their adult life. Poor nutrition, in addition to an overall lack of exercise, is one of the major issues of the current modern day lifestyle. The energy content of current nutrition in the Czech Republic has been practically stable over the last two decades. In contrast, the energy content during general, daily function during the same period, decreased by about 30%. The basis of regime interventions to influence obesity is increasing the volume of PA regularly carried out – to change the sedentary on active life style. The most common questions needed to be answered when designing exercise intervention are thus: are the physical assumptions affected by BM? To assess the predispositions for PA using BC, we can look at the ratio of extracellular (ECM) and intracellular (BCM) mass. To verify the dependence of the coefficient ECM/BCM on body mass (BM) we used bioimpedance analysis; calculating this ratio for girls (normal BM, N=102, mean age=12.7±3.1 years, BMI=19.4±0.2 kg.m-2; overweight, N=83, 12.7±3.1, 24.9±0.4; obese, N=69, 12.8±3.0, 29.8±0.5). We did not find significant differences in the ECM/BCM and thus in predispositions for PA, and non-significant dependence on BM (normal BM, mean ECM/BCM=0.89±0.02; overweight, 0.90±0.03; obese, 0.91±0.02). In conclusion: 1.the morphological predispositions for exercise are not dependent on BM, 2.there do not exist any objective limitations for regular PA realized in the majority of the female population, 3.for successful management of an overweight populous and/or, in the case of individual obesity, it is necessary to adapt their life style.