Masum poudel
B.P.Koirala institute of health sciences, Nepal
Title: Rose Angina Questionnare: Validation in Emergency Department to Detect Coronary Heart Disease in Tertiary Hospital of Eastern Nepal
Biography: Masum poudel
Background: The Rose Questionnaire (RAQ)was designed to assess the probability of underlying coronary artery disease in epidemiologic studies of population groups. Since then, the RAQ has been used in many countries to detect coronary heart disease in epidemiological research as well in Emergency department. Rose suggested that the sensitivity and specificity of the questionnaire may vary between countries. Objectives: To validate the Rose angina questionnaire to detect Myocardial infarction (MI) by comparison with emergency diagnosis in Nepali population and to find out the sensitivity and specificity between Emergency diagnosis and diagnosis by RAQ regarding MI. Methods: A Hospital based Cross -sectional study from Jan 1st to March 30th 2017, conducted in the Emergency ward among patient age 40-70 years with chest pain.. All participating were asked detailed multi component questionnaire for possible myocardial infarction considering 53% sensitivity and 89% specificity according the study by Rahma MA et al in Bangladesh . Results: Mean age of participants was 63.78 years (standard deviation ±11.60 years). Male were 66%. History of diabetics, hypertension and Dyslipidemia secondary to obesity were positive in 30, 41 and 3 patients respectively. Among MI Incidence by RAQ and MI Investigation study showed that Sensitivity was92.59% Specificity was 89.47%. crohnback alpha was found 0.78. Conclusion; The RAQ could be used as a useful screening tool to screen for Coronary heart disease in an emergency department and helps to identify the risk factor for coronary heart disease like hypertension, diabetes ,dyslipidemia secondary to obesity and also reduce the overcrowding of the patient at emergency department by avoiding reparative investigation and help to reduce the cost burden of the patient.